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Crusher run and gravels are both commonly used materials in road construction. They are produce by various stone crushers and vibrating screen. The main difference between them lies in the processing method and purpose.


1. The difference in processing method

Crusher run refers to unscreened crushed stone after controlling the maximum particle size (only passing through a sieve with a specified sieve hole). Its theoretical particle composition is 1~D (D is the particle size) and has a good gradation.


Gravels refers to grading crushed stones of different sizes according to a certain particle size range, and then mixing them into the required mix ratio according to a certain proportion. Graded crushed stone is generally composed of crushed stones that are pre-screened into several (such as four) different particle sizes, and can also be composed of unscreened crushed stone and stone chips.




2. The difference in purpose

Crusher run is mainly used for the base and subbase of secondary and above highways. When graded crushed stone is used as the base of secondary and lower highways, its particle size should be controlled within 26mm; when graded crushed stone is used as the base of expressways and primary highways and the middle layer of semi-rigid pavement, its particle size should be controlled below 26mm


Gravels can be used as the base and subbase of asphalt pavement and cement concrete pavement, and can also be used as a roadbed improvement layer. Under the premise of good drainage, graded aggregates can be used on roads of different traffic levels in different climate zones. It is particularly beneficial to use graded aggregates in humid and rainy areas


3. Differences in composition

Crusher run is mainly composed of crushed stone after controlling the maximum particle size. It is made from crushed stone and stone dust. It's a blended mix of coarse and fine aggregates.


Gravels is a mixture of aggregates of various sizes and particle sizes, including coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and stone chips. These components each account for a certain proportion, forming a mixture with dense gradation requirements




4. Difference in strength and stability

The strength and stability of crusher run are not as good as graded crushed stone with added stone chips.


The strength and stability of gravels are better because it contains not only coarse aggregate, but also fine aggregate and stone chips. The proportion and combination of these components directly affect the performance of graded crushed stone




In summary, there are obvious differences between crusher run and graded gravels in terms of processing methods, uses, components, strength and stability. In actual road construction, appropriate materials should be selected according to specific design requirements and engineering conditions. Welcome to contact us. We have professional engineer  team to provide suggestion for free.


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